Similar to Shay, Kite Duels and acts ruthlessly when it comes to facing Duel Academy Duelists, immediately turning them into cards once he defeated them. Like Shay and Yuto, Kite holds a vengeful hatred against Duel Academy, which manifested after they invaded the Xyz Dimension. Kite used to be a kind and a cheerful person who enjoyed Dueling but in the present he is cold and serious. During his time as a student at the Clover Branch, Kite wore the outfit that he wore in his youth in ZEXAL a light pink shirt, brown pants, and braces attached to his belt, and he also used a normal Xyz Dimension Duel Disk. Unlike his ZEXAL counterpart, Kite does not undergo Photon Transformation nor use a Duel Gazer Tattoo when he Duels he maintains his regular outfit when he does so. In place of the black finger-less glove he sported on his hand in ZEXAL he wears a red Resistance scarf wrapped around his right wrist. He also wears a belt with two purple Deck boxes. Kite wears a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt and white pants with black boots.

Kite tenjo deck ygo pro skin#
He has light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair that curls up in a point with a dark green spiked front and bangs. Kite's design is largely unchanged from his appearance in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL.